A current version of my CV can be found here.
(updated January 5, 2025).

Some of my writing

First Author/Reviews

(2025, in press). “‘Cyborg-Cute': Colors of 'Good' Mixed-Race Algorithms.” Chapter in Color Protocols: Technologies of Racial Encoding in Chromatic Media. MIT Press. Boston, Massachusetts.

(2024, in press). "Space to Breathe." Qui Parle. Duke University Press. 

(2023) “Mise(ère)-En-Scène : Transposition and the Child in Hugo’s and Ly’s Les Misérables.” L’Esprit créateur 63.3 (2023): 67–79. Web.

(2023). "The Lost Promise of Childhood." Africa is a Country. Online. 

(2023). "The Colonial Wounds of Senegal’s Girlchild." Africa is a Country. Online. 

(2022). Review of L’ambivalence de la sacralisation de l’enfance dans l’écriture de Gisèle Pineau, Malika Mokeddem, Ken Bugul, by Djoher Sadoun. The French Review.

Sweat, Amber and Abad-Ocubillo, Robin (2020). “Diaspora: Identity and the Pathos of Global Labor.” Review commissioned for San Francisco Urban Film Festival. Digital.  

(2020). “Urban Manufacturing: Nostalgia or Necessity? On Montreal, Metalsmithing, and the Materialization of Patrimoine. Review commissioned for San Francisco Urban Film Festival. Digital. 

As Co-Author

(2025, forthcoming). Faidley, E., Weiher, R., Sweat, A., Davidson, J. “Framing Higher Education Social Movements: The Case of the University of California (UC) System.” 


Juan Antonio Elvira Calito, and Amber Sweat. “BENEATH THE SURFACE.” Maya America 4.1 (2022): 66–75. Print. 

Sophie Villers, and Amber Sweat. “I, Volcano: Of Earth and Fire.” Maya America 4.1 (2022): 47–61. Print.

Still Baking

“‘Tik tok la diougué’: On Mossane, Safi Faye’s Intermedial Girl.” In progress, to be circulated fall/winter 2025-6. 

“The Girlhood Video and Sublimation’s Limits in Saint Omer.” In progress, to be circulated spring/summer 2025.

Did we meet at a conference?
(if so, shoot me an email!)


2025, January 12). “‘Don’t look away’: Visualizing children in times of conflict.” Panel organizer and presider. Modern Language Association. New Orleans, Louisiana. 

(2024, January 4). “Ecstasies of Youth in French and Francophone Media.” Panel organizer and presider. Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

(2023, April 29). Panel presider, moderator, and conference organizer. “Francophone subjects: new conversations.” An undergraduate conference at UC Berkeley. Berkeley, California. 


(2024, November 8). “‘Sauvage tout même’: The girlhood video and sublimating Black reality in Saint-Omer.” Panel Invitee and Co-Chair for “Contemporary French-language Filmmakers of Color II.” Pacific Ancient Modern Language Association. Palm Springs, California. 

(2024, January 7). “Deserving Play: Rousseau, Race, and Rascality in Contemporary Francophone Media.” Paper presented at Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

(2023, June 24). “Technologies, Deconstructing Coloniality, and Constructing Networks in a Black Girlhood Triptych.” Paper accepted to Society for French Studies Conference. Newcastle, United Kingdom.

(2023, June 16). “Mwen se yon fi || Moi, c’est une femme: Celebrating Francophone Caribbean Women and their (Net)Works.” Presented at Caribbean Digital Scholarship Initiative. Miami, Florida. 

(2023, January 6). “‘Franchement, je déteste lire’: ‘Usefulness’, diverse identities, and re-thinking reading in the French language classroom.” Poster presented at Modern Language Association. San Francisco, California. 

(2022, November 14). “Audience’s baby, Mama’s maybe: On pornography, conception, and the cyborg-child in Marie NDiaye’s ‘Rosie Carpe.’” Paper presented at Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association. Los Angeles, California.

(2022, April 8). “Essential work: Race, gender, and spaces of the bonne in French Banlieue Film.” Paper presented at Louisiana State University Graduate Student Conference on Space and Place. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Virtual.

(2020, November 13). “‘Boys’ Law’: Black girlhood and the aesthetics of resistance in ‘Bande de Filles.’” Paper presented at South-Atlantic Modern Language Association. Virtual.


(2023, April 12). “In search of accessible interfaces: Canvas revamped, Canvas remanié.” Paper co-presented with Vesna Rodic for Universal Design for Learning Symposium. Berkeley, California. 

(2023, March 20). “Communion: Reflections on teaching Blackness where Black doesn't exist.” Paper presented at Berkeley French Works-in-Progress Series and the Berkeley PhD Admissions Panel Presentation. Berkeley, California. 

(2022, November 9). “‘Du thé avec des profs’ with Amber Sweat.” Invited faculty and interviewee for undergraduate French students’ semesterly tea. Berkeley, California.

(2021, September 6). “A conversation with Dr. Stephanie Maroney: What are Public Humanities?” Co-interviewer and co-moderator for UC Berkeley, Practicing the Humanities Colloquium. Berkeley, California. 

(2017, April 29). “Le destin féminin: Vers l'existentialisme féministe par le lexique dépouillé beauvoirien.” Paper presented at University of Texas System Research Symposium. French, adjoining English supplement/subtitles. Remote.


(2024, March 2). “Breakdancing going to the Olympics? Sports and Arts in Community Praxis.” Panelist at San Francisco Villa Albertine’s “Nuit des idées.” San Francisco, California. 

(2024, January 26). “‘Allons Enfants!’ Hip Hop pedagogies in the banlieue and beyond.” Panel discussant. The Alliance Française de San Francisco in partnership with NBC Bay Area, the San Francisco Villa Albertine, Lycée Français SF, and UC Berkeley Centre d’Excellence. 

(2021, May 3). “Manifesting a New Antioch Youth Center: New Sites for Transitional-Age Youth.” Project co-manager and panelist, presented at Berkeley Transformative Justice Roundtable in conjunction with JustCities. Virtual.

(2018, May 20). “Topic: Assistant considerations in the Parisian Region, Aubervilliers.” Interviewee for the Académie de Créteil. Tournage publique de l’Education Nationale. Public Announcement for the French National Department of Education. Paris, France. 

(2018, January 10). “Roundtable for Assistants de Langue en France, representative of the 93rd District, Aubervilliers.” Panelist for the Académie de Créteil. Middlebury Institute, Paris, for Program in International Education. Paris, France.


(2022, October 17). “Graduate Diversity Admissions Panel: French Ph.D. Program.” PhD candidate Panelist for French Studies. Berkeley Graduate Division, Graduate Diversity Admissions Fair 2022. Remote. 

(2021, December 3). “Teaching Assistant Program in France— Information Session.” Académie de Créteil panelist for Cultural Services of the French Embassy of the United States. Berkeley, California. 

(2020, October 14). “Graduate Student Panel for Prospective PhDs.” Panelist for French Studies. Hosted by Donna Honarpisheh with Berkeley Connect and the Department of Comparative Literature. Berkeley, California. 

(2018, November 8). “‘Un semestre à la Sorbonne’: Internships in Paris through IFE.” Presenter and panelist. Hosted by the Berkeley Study Abroad Office and the Institute for Field Experience. Berkeley, California.